Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Can Halloween Candy Be Safe for Kids' Teeth?

It is Halloween time and your children WANT CANDY! We understand that children are going to have candy at Halloween, but there are some sweets that are not quite as risky to indulge in.

Spooky Treats!

Sticky, gooey, delicious!

The worst type of candy for your teeth is anything sticky, gummy, or gooey. These candies stick to the grooves of your teeth. These candies are not easily removed by brushing. Pre-existing fillings can be damaged by these candies and can even dislodge them.

Less Scary Treats

So what do you give your child who is dying for Halloween Candy?! Ice Cream, Cookies, Chocolate, or Sugar Free Gum is a better alternative. Sugar may still ulitmately case tooth decay, but at least these are easier to clean from your teeth and are usually consumed quickly instead of "grazing."

Don't forget, it's important to eat your sweets at mealtime rather than a snack & drink a lot of water (regular water, not flavored water).

Happy Halloween

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